Different opening hours

We are open every weekday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Here you will find an overview of the days we are closed in connection with national holidays.

  • January 1 : New Year's Day
  • April 17 : Maundy Thursday
  • April 18 : Good Friday
  • April 21 : Easter Monday
  • May 1 : Public holiday
  • May 17 : Constitution Day
  • May 29 : Ascension Day
  • June 9 : Pentecost Sunday
  • June 20: Midsummer Eve
  • December 24: Christmas Eve
  • December 25 : Christmas Day
  • December 26 : Boxing Day
  • December 31: New Year's Eve

Have we contacted you?

Sometimes we contact companies to follow up on an application or an active engagement with us, and we may call from several different numbers, depending on whether it concerns a loan or debt collection.

Have we contacted your company, and would you like to know why? Call us on 32 99 36 41 and we can tell you more. You can of course also send an email to support@qred.no or chat with us here on the website.

Remember that you can always ask to be called back if you get a call, so you are sure it is the right bank or company you are talking to.

Swedish business owner who is satisfied with his Qred VISA business card

For public authorities only

Please choose one of the following options to contact us:

1. Send an email to legal@qred.com
2. Send a physical letter to:
Qred Bank AB
Drottninggatan 98
SE-111 60 Stockholm, Sweden

NOTE: You will not be able to contact customer service through any of these options.